Misk, Aerosol Assasins

CAUTION: To prevent injury, Squeeze/lift handle under top to remove lock.
CAUTION: Keep hands and fingers clear from table center joint when operating

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I owe knekt,
        Cwalk video( to one of his song's)
        10 questions video
        Return package
I owe bolt,
        Return package
I owe everybody
       opening video(for miskmuk)

Hurricane and Earthquake

Yo, we got a hurrican and a earthquake int eh same week in the same place, up here and that never ever happens. 5.9 magnitude earthqake and a level 2 tropical storm/ hurricane.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Augor for LRG.

Damn this video got no views, and its a 1 month old ironlak video.


Thursday, August 11, 2011


Miskendo© and its Afflilates represent the Misk writers co and support it under the conditions that all products are used to bomb the streets.

Head phones and blogs screwed up

i got some skull candy headphones and also the blog is screwed up so you need to highlite with your cruser anything thats white to read it.

The comments you find on skrillex

Do you speak english? - Yes - Name? - Abdul al-Rhasib - Sex? - Three-five times a week. - No, No...I mean male or female? - Yes, male, female, sometimes camel. - Holy cow! - Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general. - But isn't it hostile? - Horse style, doggy style, any style! - Oh dear! - No, no! Deer runs too fast..

boy: Hey mom, can I go outside?
mom: Shut the f**k up, your comments aren't funny.

Why the hell is the duck song in the related vids!!??

(~Damn they are funny!~)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

I won somthing!!!!(just a sketch, but an awesome one!!

Thanks to Eido for making this sketch really awesome. Check out eidos youtube channel here http://www.youtube.com/user/eidoyadick and his blogspot here. http://isckings.blogspot.com/ His other websites are on his youtube site. Ask recks to show you the sketch he won from eido too... Haha.


Refurbishing Computer.

So im refurbishing the computer, because now my brother has 2 more computers, both better than this one and i can now clear out space that was once his. so far i defragmented the computer, cleared out 5 gb and all of hte temperary files.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dubonics LOGO!!

Yea so i had mad trouble putting this into an email.

now that i think of it, it looks like it needs some centering.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


This guy has some clean work, also some inspirational sticker D-zines and throwies.


Tell me what you think.